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Introduction to UNIDO Databases

Introduction to UNIDO Databases

UNIDO, as the global reference on industrial statistics, maintains a variety of databases comprising information on long- and short-term industrial trends, detailed data on business structure, and major indicators of industrial performance. All world economies, as well as the main regions and country groups, are represented.

International comparability over time and across countries has been the main priority when developing and updating these databases. Given that structural transformation is a gradual process that develops over extended time periods, historical time series are included in all databases. Relevant metadata, as well as a complete documentation, accompany the databases.

It is worth highlighting that, according to the definition used in official statistics, industry is composed of four sectors:

  1. Mining and quarrying (ISIC Rev. 4 Section B)
  2. Manufacturing (ISIC Rev. 4 Section C)
  3. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (ISIC Rev. 4 Section D)
  4. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (ISIC Rev. 4 Section E).

All four industrial sectors are included in UNIDO databases, although manufacturing is usually the sector with the highest data availability.

UNIDO databases can be used for the following purposes, among others:

  • Structural analysis and study of long-term industrial development. The INDSTAT, IDSB, National Accounts and Manufacturing Trade databases provide aggregate as well as highly detailed data on industrial sectors, including variables such as output, value added, employment and international trade. Historical time series provide long-term information on industrial trends and progress towards structural transformation.
  • Analysis of short-term industrial trends. The QIIP and MIIP databases include the latest quarterly and monthly information on industrial production at a relatively disaggregated level, allowing the study of ongoing trends, as well as analysing the business cycle in industrial sector and the impact of shocks.
  • Comparative evaluation of industrial performance. UNIDO has monitored countries’ industrial performance using the Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index since 2013, presenting a comparative view of their ability to produce and export manufactured goods. The industry-related indicators of SDG 9 also provide a comparative evaluation of industrial development that considers, in addition to the economic dimension, the social and environmental pillars of sustainable development. The CIP Index and SDG 9 databases provide the latest information on these indicators.

All UNIDO databases are available free of charge under a Creative Commons license, as indicated in the Terms and Conditions.