Statistical Indicators of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization: Biennial Progress Report 2023
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Industrial development plays a pivotal role in achieving this and all other SDGs. The 2023 edition of UNIDO SDG 9 Progress Report provides a comprehensive overview of global and regional trends in industrial development and progress towards the Goal. Based on six SDG 9 industrialization indicators, for which UNIDO is the custodian agency, the report offers insights into recent developments across different country groups. The report makes use of UNIDO SDG 9 Industry Index, a benchmarking tool covering 137 countries worldwide. Additionally, it provides a concrete evaluation of progress achieved and the prospects of achieving the Goal by 2030. This 2023 edition of the report includes a thematic chapter on SDG 9 data availability, identifying the main gaps and proving a roadmap for bridging them and completing the statistical evidence needed for accelerating progress towards the Goal.
Readers can access the country data used for this publication through the UNIDO Statistics Data Portal. In addition, the UNIDO Industrial Analytics Platform (IAP) allows readers to explore, visualize and compare the latest trends on industry-related SDG 9 targets.