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Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation

The objective of UNIDO’s technical cooperation programme is building the capacity of member States to initiate and carry out their own programmes in the field of industrial development. Tailored assistance is provided to low- and middle-income countries, with special attention being paid to least developed countries. Technical cooperation activities represent a significant element in achieving UNIDO’s mission of achieving sustainable and inclusive industrial development, giving every country the opportunity to grow a flourishing productive sector, increase their participation in international trade and safeguard the environment. The Organization’s technical cooperation activities are informed by its own research and statistics and are tailor-made to meet the needs and requirements of developing countries across UNIDO’s thematic priorities.

In the field of statistics, UNIDO provides technical assistance to introduce best practices, methodologies and technological solutions for monitoring and assessing productivity and industrial performance. These activities also seek to enhance the quality and consistency of industrial data, with the overall objective of serving as reliable evidence for guiding policymaking. Recent technical cooperation projects in the area of industrial statistics were implemented in Cambodia, Jordan, Nigeria, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the CIS region.

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