UNIDO Statistics Portal API
UNIDO Statistics Portal API
With the newly redesigned data portal, we have made significant changes to our APIs.
Our data API is now available in SwaggerUI, which can be accessed at:
Below are the available databases and instructions on how to access them:
INDSTAT Revision 3 -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/INDSTAT/3
INDSTAT Revision 4 -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/INDSTAT/4
IDSB 3 -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/IDSB/3
IDSB 4 -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/IDSB/4
National Accounts -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/NATIONAL_ACCOUNTS
Manufacturing Trade Database -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/MTD
IIP -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/IIP
Country Profiles -> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/COUNTRY_PROFILE
Sustainable Development Goals 9 (SDG9)-> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/SDG
Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP)-> https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/CIP
Accessing the above databases using the GET request, as mentioned above, will return a JSON response containing the following information about the database:
- Database ID: This is a unique identifier and will be needed in other methods for obtaining data and metadata.
- Country List: This list includes all countries with their names, UNIDO country codes, as well as ISO2 and ISO3 country codes.
- Location: This indicates the country to which the request is being sent.
- Variable List with Codes: This provides a list of variables along with their respective codes.
- Activity List: Similar to the ISIC list, this includes activity codes and descriptions.
The accurate identification of the database/dataset ID is pivotal for accessing the data via the API, and these IDs cannot be hardcoded due to their dynamic nature. A program that utilizes our APIs should first issue a GET request as listed above, obtain all the information about the database ID, list of available countries, variables, and activities, and then send a request for data with or without activities.
For example, for CIP, issue the GET request https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataset/CIP
Issue a REST POST call to https://stat.unido.org/portal/dataset/getDataWithoutActivities:
{ "datasetId": <dataset/database ID from the GET call>, "countryCode": "country code from the GET call",
"fullPrecision": true, "variableCodes": [ "cip", "cipRank", "ImWMT", "ImWMT_index", "ImWMVA", "ImWMVA_index", "INDint_index", "MHVAsh", "MHVAsh_index", "MHXsh", "MHXsh_index", "MVApc", "MVApc_index", "MVAsh", "MVAsh_index", "MXpc", "MXpc_index", "MXQual_index", "MXsh", "MXsh_index", "quintile" ], "periods": [ "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022" ] }
For dataset with activities/ISICs like INDSTAT, IDSB, IIP datasets etc., issue a REST call to getData and add the list of activities obtained from the GET request.
All API calls with getData and getDataWithoutActivities are per country and have to be issues for every country separatelly.
Please let us know if you need further assistance or information by contacting us under stat@unido.org.