Manufacturing Trade Database

Available online.

The UNIDO Manufacturing Trade Database contains aggregate data at the country, region and group level for variables related to the trade of manufactured goods. The database provides historical time series, starting with 1995 until the most recent year available, in current US dollars (USD). The data is collected primarily from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); other sources of official data may be used when appropriate.
The variables available are:
Exports and imports of manufactured goods in current USD
Exports and imports of medium- and high-technology manufactured goods in current USD
Goods classified as manufactured goods and medium- and high-technology manufactured goods can be found in Annex E of the latest edition of the UNIDO International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics.
The database is updated annually, although it may be revised more regularly. In addition to its dissemination in the data portal, aggregates based on the UNIDO Manufacturing Trade Database are included in statistical tables and graphs of the UNIDO International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics and other publications.

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