Industrial Statistics Database

INDSTAT 2 - 2023 edition at the 2-digit level of  ISIC Revision 3
(available online)

The UNIDO Industrial Statistics Database at the 2-digit level of ISIC (INDSTAT2) contains disaggregated data on the manufacturing sector. Comparability of data over time and across the countries has been the main priority of developing and updating this database. INDSTAT2 offers a unique possibility of in-depth analysis of the structural transformation of economies over time. The database contains eight principle indicators of industrial statistics. The data are arranged at the 2-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 3 , which comprises 23 manufacturing sectors.

The database contains the following indicators of industrial statistics:

  • Number of establishments.
  • Number of employees.
  • Wages and salaries.
  • Output.
  • Value added.
  • Gross fixed capital formation.
  • Number of female employees.
  • Index of industrial production (base year 2015)


This product was initially derived from the two databases INDSTAT3 ISIC Revision 2 and INDSTAT4 ISIC Revision 3. INDSTAT2 combines historical time series data starting 1963.  The data are arranged at the 2-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 3, pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 23 industries. Data are presented in the same format as INDSTAT4, together with metadata information. Whenever INDSTAT 4 ISIC Revision 4 is updated with newly reported data, these new data are converted into ISIC Revision 3 at 2-digit level and added to INDSTAT 2. Furthermore, to increase the timeliness, one or two most recent years (which are not yet reported) are estimated (now-casted). 

INDSTAT2 is the largest industrial statistics database of its kind. Unlike others presented by different classification standards for different time periods, INDSTAT2 provides data by a single classification standard for more than 40 years, which makes it particularly valuable for long-term structural analysis. As with INDSTAT4, INDSTAT2 presents data for seven principle indicators (number of establishments, employment, wages and salaries, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation and number of female employees). The value figures are presented in current prices. The database includes the index numbers of industrial production, which show the real growth of the volume of production by 2-digit of ISIC Rev. 3.

The current edition of INDSTAT2 covers:

Reference period: 1963 - 2020

Number of countries: 174 (111 in the most recent year)

*Coverage in terms of years,  as well as data items, may vary from country to country depending on data availability.

Read the complete documentation for the INDSTAT 2 2022 database here.



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